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Erin jarnot


Why yoga?

So many reasons! It's a phenomenal workout! i actually always thought it was a "lazy man's exercise", but holy cow...i coudln't have been more wrong. This practice will make you sweat, leave you feeling stronger, more inspired, and craving more! Truly a workout for your mind, body, and spirit!

favorite movie?

Gran Tornio

Favorite meal? 

this is tough to answer since I love food so much! But i'd have to say spaghetti parm from chefs. One time I ordered and attempted to eat the Bruce Smith portion...not a chance! Only made it about 1/3 of the way through!

Class Packages

We offer a variety of different packages to help meet your scheduling needs. They range from drop in classes to annual passes.  Learn more here.

Class Descriptions

We offer a range of classes; 60-75 min journey into power, YIN, hiit & conditioning, and a basics class. Check back often for other workshops and events we host!

Practice Strong

Practice Strong is a yoga class designed for students with different abilities. It is open to the public and all are welcome. This class has been adapted in many ways to accommodate the different needs of our students.


Any questions, comments or ideas, please send us an email at

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