123 Grey St East Aurora, NY 14052
22 Main St Hamburg, NY 14075
Practice Strong
Practice Strong is a yoga class designed for people with different abilities. It is open to the public and all are welcome. This class has been adapted in many ways to accommodate the different needs of our students. We emphasize breath and mindfulness. Yoga is for EVERYONE!!!
FOR REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION PLEASE GO TO: https://www.practicestrong.org/
PLEASE EMAIL: practicestrong@gmail.com with any questions.
a slower flow
the use of props as needed
guidance from multiple teachers and helpers in the class
creative presentation of typical yoga poses
Accommodations: Each student can determine their own modifications. These may include:
bringing an aide for assistance
noise cancelling head phones
unique props for support
Be prepared: Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle. Wear loose comfortable clothing. Studio is warm, but not hot.
Rates: Practice Strong classes cost $15 for an individual class. A 6 class package is available for $75. There is no fee for an aide who attends the class to help their companion. Scholarships are available.
Join us on Saturdays @ 11 am. Pre-registration is preferred.